Special Offers
Must be the Feeling (Nicole DeVito Spring 2015) Tetraploid (Free the Night x Shimmer Down) Ev...
$100.00 $60.00
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Nicole's So Chic (Nicole DeVito - 2020) Tetraploid (sdlg x Wavelength) Sev. EM Re 30" scapes, 6.5" f..
$125.00 $70.00
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Night Divine (Nicole DeVito - Spring 2017) Tetraploid (Deep Dark Duck x sdlg) Ev. EM Re 36” scapes..
$125.00 $60.00
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Not to be Forgotten (Nicole DeVito - Spring 2017) Diploid (David and Doris x Element of Life Ev. E..
$125.00 $80.00
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TET (Chasing Venus X (Ivan Attitude x ND10-205)) Ev. EM Re. 27" scapes, 6.25" flowers, 3 way branchi..
$150.00 $65.00
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Oh Dear Nikki (Nicole DeVito - Spring 2017) Diploid (Image of Beyond x Departures sdlg) Sev. EM Re..
$175.00 $125.00
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TET (Red Friday x Alan Lane Agin) Sev. EM Re. 29" scapes, 5.75" flowers, 3 way branching, 25 buds...
$125.00 $90.00
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DIP (Parentage Unknown) Sev. EM Re. 29" scapes, 5.5" flowers, 3 way branching, 18 buds.
Flowers hav..
$150.00 $100.00
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Packs a Wallop (Nicole DeVito - 2020) Diploid (Mind Control x Center of the Universe sdlg) Sev. EM R..
$175.00 $95.00
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Pillars of the Universe (Nicole DeVito - 2020) Diploid (Force Field x Center of the Universe sdlg) S..
$175.00 $95.00
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TET (Living Large x Pink Aloha) Sev. EM Re. 6 ½" flowers, 31" scapes, 4-5 way branching with 35 buds..
$100.00 $60.00
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TET (Spanish Fiesta x Can't Touch This) Ev. EM Re. 26" scapes, 6" flowers, 3 way branching, 20 buds...
$150.00 $65.00
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Please Believe (Nicole DeVito Fall 2016) Diploid (Behold the Believable x Solar View) Ev. EM Re 41..
$100.00 $65.00
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Polarized (Nicole DeVito Spring 2015) Diploid Ev. EM re 28” scapes, 5” flowers, 22 buds, 3 way branc..
$150.00 $65.00
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Power Supply (Nicole DeVito - Spring 2017) Tetraploid (Power Surge x Can’t Touch This) Ev. EM Re 2..
$125.00 $70.00
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