34826 La Place Court
Eustis, Florida 32736
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Spring 2023 Diploid Collection

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*Spring 2023 Diploid Collection*
Purchase the entire 2023 Nicole's Daylilies Diploid Collection consisting of 13 cultivars for $1450,..
And This One
And This One (Nicole DeVito - 2023) Diploid (Spin Cycle seedling x seedling) Sev. EM Re 36" scapes, ..
Backing Into Forward
Backing Into Forward (Nicole DeVito - 2023) Diploid (Victory's Vanity x seedling) Sev. EM Re 30" sca..
BackLit (Nicole DeVito - 2023) Diploid (Trance Plant x seedling) Sev. EM Re 35" scapes, 6.75" flower..
Changes In The Wind
Changes In The Wind (Nicole DeVito - 2023) Diploid (Find Your Way x Elemental Forces) Sev. EM Re 29"..
Cosmic Glow
Cosmic Glow (Nicole DeVito - 2023) Diploid (Doris & David x seedling) Sev. EM Re 33" scapes, 6.2..
Sold Out
Enjoy the Moment
Enjoy the Moment (Nicole DeVito - 2023) Diploid ((Image of Beyond X (seedling x Rainbow Over Mariett..
Glow All Out
Glow All Out (Nicole DeVito - 2023) Diploid (seedling x seedling) Ev. EM Re 31" scapes, 6.5" flowers..
Higher than the Sun
Higher than the Sun (Nicole DeVito - 2023) Diploid (parentage unknown) EV. EM Re 40" scapes, 7.25" f..
Leo Moon
Let Moon (Nicole DeVito - 2023) Diploid (seedling x seedling) EV. EM Re 32" scapes, 6.5" flowers, 3-..
Snakeskin Effect
Snakeskin Effect (Nicole DeVito - 2023) Diploid (seedling x seedling) Sev. EM Re 31" scapes, 6.5" fl..
Speak Louder
Speak Louder (Nicole DeVito - 2023) Diploid ((Skyliner x (Quieter is Louder x seedling) Sev. EM Re 3..
Through the Viewfinder
Through the Viewfinder (Nicole DeVito - 2023) Diploid (Force Field x Escape from the Echoes) Sev. EM..
Too Excited
Too Excited (Nicole DeVito - 2023) Diploid (Polarized x seedling) Sev. EM Re 29" scapes, 5.75" flowe..
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